click on rh side photos to meet Sonthofen people active for the arts, global understanding and healthy environment
Visit the Tokio exhibition - click here
Sonthofen officials, business people and citizens
help to keep this world a place worth living for our children

Sonthofen was chosen "Alpine Town of the Year" 2005

"The "Alpine Town of the Year" Community of Interests …

.... is an association of alpine towns which have been awarded the title of "Alpine Town of the Year". The title commends an alpine town for its particular commitment to the implementation of the Alpine Convention and is awarded by an international Jury. "


1st Mayor Hubert Buhl
2nd Mayor Manfred Brugger
3rd Mayor Eugen Wutz
Sven Heldt - EDV-VOR-ORT-Service
Frau Greindl - Buecher Greindl
Andreas Greindl - Buecher Greindl
Frau Fuhrmann, Kaesegloeckle
Thomas Blum, Elektro Blum
Bernd Suchy, RZ Computer
Carmen Schmiedel - Gold-Marie
Schmiedel jun. - Gold-Marie
Hermann Schwind - art-cafe - kunstgalerie und kaffeehaus
Massimo Maquolo of Il Nuovo Gelato
Johann Kiesel of Alte Post
Jan Knoll - Freizeit und Druck Verlag
Dr. Joachim Bahrs, Dentist
Mrs. Ess - bureau Dr. Bahrs
Thea Lingenhoel of bakery Haerle
Amira Tursic of Café Koeberle
Nguyen Tersteegen Quynh of HA-TEX-MEX
Nguyen Quynh Trang-Katrin of HA-TEX-MEX
Alexandra Hertel of BioTop Naturkostmarkt
Alex of Il Nuovo Gelato
Edith Kiesel of Alte Post
Thomas Kamerbeek
Margitta Stanggassinger of Konditorei - Cafe Elsaesser
Birgitt Doebbelin of Konditorei - Cafe Elsaesser
Toni Sommer of naturkost monika sommer
Josef Gutsmiedl of Der Kreisbote
Gruenten in earlier times                          
Michael Buthe
famous Sonthofen born artist